Digital Gaming in Malta is an industry that enjoys a widespread range of incentives that address the needs of digital gaming companies at the initial conceptual stage, during research and development, as well as during the internationalization and marketing of the digital gaming product.
Incentives for Digital Gaming in Malta
The incentives and schemes available include:
a games fund providing financing to companies active in digital gaming in Malta, seeking to develop new projects;
tax credit relating to expenditure incurred in acquiring or developing tangible and intangible assets;
financing to new digital gaming start-ups and enterprises engaged in new markets, new technologies, novel products or services that demonstrate a potential for job creation and growth;
tax credit for research and development of digital gaming projects;
co-financing of wages of employees, leasing of equipment and amenities in the case of SMEs;
co-financing up to 50% of costs incurred for market development to encourage more digital gaming enterprises to internationalise
In translating these digital gaming incentives into finalised products, Malta offers a highly skilled workforce that addresses the cross-disciplinary skills required by the digital gaming industry, including sound designers, musicians, artists, game designers, programmers and level designers.
As a jurisdiction that gives access to protection of intellectual property in the European and international markets, Malta digital gaming companies may protect their artistic creations or distinguish the goods and services from those of other traders through straight-forward or hybrid solutions and in a jurisdiction that offers favourable tax treatment for digital gaming in Malta.